Saturday, May 28, 2011

Book Cover - Snow Crash

Above is the cover from the edition that I own myself.
Below is my version, which I feel more accurately captures the themes in the book.

Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson is a cyberpunk novel that takes the reader through worlds in both cyberspace and meatspace. I designed my cover to emphasize the digital feel of the novel and give it a strong visual pull.

I selected these specific colors because they draw attention to the book, even when just the spine is showing.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Poster - LGBT Rights

This is a pretty obvious parody of the Olympic Rings, and "Dare to Dream" is actually the slogan of the 1984 summer games in Los Angeles. I used this motif to draw a parallel between the equality that is the goal of the LGBT movement, and the equal opportunity that all Olympic contestants are given.

EDIT: I forgot to mention this when I originally posted this, but the black symbol in the center is used to represent transgendered individuals.