Saturday, May 28, 2011

Book Cover - Snow Crash

Above is the cover from the edition that I own myself.
Below is my version, which I feel more accurately captures the themes in the book.

Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson is a cyberpunk novel that takes the reader through worlds in both cyberspace and meatspace. I designed my cover to emphasize the digital feel of the novel and give it a strong visual pull.

I selected these specific colors because they draw attention to the book, even when just the spine is showing.


  1. Nice Job! I think that the spine would compel me to take a closer look. It has a Tron digital world feel to it.

  2. This is great. I especially like the spine and how you added so much detail to it. I don't know what the book is about, but i really don't like the original cover. Your cover and spine would draw me to take a closer look at the book.

  3. Adam, I haven’t read the book you chose and I don’t know its contents. You write that it is a cyberpunk novel which takes the reader through cyberspace. Your book cover does an excellent portrayal of digital cyberspace. The neon colors are appropriate to the title and the colors you chose yellow and several shades of blue blend well together. The font you selected has a great digital feel to it. You obviously put a lot of thought into the spine as well, and I think that on a book shelf with only the book spines showing, your book would be noticed over more traditional book designs. Your book cover comes across as exciting and intriguing; it does a better job of drawing potential readers to take a second look than the original book cover. I think you did a great Job on your book design.

  4. This is really nice. The original totally doesn't have the effect which you created. I believe your cover is more inline with the message then the original one. When i look at the original book, i get the idea its a history book. However, when i look at yours i get excited and the colors pop out. Additionally, your text choice is very good. Nice job

  5. The yellow you used - the tone and saturation makes the title read incredibly well against the vivid blue - nice job. What did you use for the background image ? Is it an image you found or all line art that you created?

  6. everything about your cover describes the age of technology. the "electric blue" you used captures my attention and makes me want to take a closer look.

  7. It simple and bold. Great graphics. The only ting I would suggest it move the title down 3/4 in. and the author name up about an in. That because the upper middle is the most dynamic area of the picture.
